Why Automatic Driving Lessons
With automatic driving lessons you can concentrate on the road, not the gears.
We recognise that due to circumstances or needs many people would prefer an option regarding taking driving lessons.
If you're struggling to learn to drive, struggling with gears or maybe you have a disability that makes driving a manual car more difficult, you could try an automatic. An automatic car is much easier to start and stop. It has just two pedals, accelerator and brake, and no clutch.
Which Automatic Driving Course Would Suit Me
There is no right or wrong course
Everyone learns to drive differently.
The driving courses are devised around you and your ability. Some people are happy to do 1 hour a week whilst others want 1½ or 2 hour lessons.
If you need to get driving quickly, maybe a new job or promotion, then why not try an Automatic Fast Pass Course. These can be done in a much shorter period of time, although places are limited.
If you are new to driving then why not enhance your skills and do the Automatic Pass Plus Course. from driving at night to country roads and motorways, it is designed to help you feel more confident and become a safer driver.
If you have been driving for some time and need a motorway lesson ar just a refresher course then Mitchells Automatic driving school can also help
Please check out the links below for a full overview of the courses we offer.